The Game of Life
Reflection on the fact the road to fulfilling oneself’s life dreams or goals in any part of life is anything but linear (ex. career).
Teens/Young Adults
~30 minutes
(Before the game, ask and define what resilience is with questions and an example of a situation where someone was or wasn’t resilient – which one is better?)
Design a board game to illustrate one of your life dreams.
- First, add a big life goal in the FINISH spot.
- Add a short-term goal to each space outlined in orange. Your short-term goals should be steps that help you reach your long-term goal.
- Add obstacles to the other squares with instructions like “Go back one square” or “Return to START.” You can leave some spaces blank or colour them in.
- Find player pieces (or use pennies) and dice from another game, and play your game with a friend. Can you reach your goal?
- Reflect on connections between the game and real-life goal-reaching. How did you feel when you had to take a step back in the game vs in life? What’s the difference? Which one is easier for you?
- Board Game Template for each participant;
- player pieces and dice;
- pens, markers, and colours.